New Partners – introducing them to your children

  • 23rd January 2024
  • Jo Petschek
  • 1 min read

Is there ever a good time to introduce your children to your new partner? Is it a sticking plaster that needs to be ripped off immediately, something to be rushed, or do you hold off for months after a bad break up? Do you wait for the perfect moment?

You may have an agreement with your ex-partner, if so, you should try keep it. Children don’t tend to keep secrets well (and never should be asked to keep one).

Ask yourself, what’s the rush? If you are planning to spend the rest of your life with your new partner, do you really need to force a meeting when the timing isn’t right? If this new partner isn’t long term, then does your child really need to meet them. Who’s needs are you trying to meet?

There may never be a perfect time, but you might need to consider the age of your child, the serious nature of your new relationship, whether your ex has found a new partner etc.

Perhaps time and circumstance may force your hand. Have you considered the details of the meeting? Thoughtful pre-planning may make all the difference.  

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