Homework tends to be a reality for most children. Have you spent time with your child doing homework before? You might find there’s quite a bit to consider.
First of all, is there any homework to be done? So, what’s your responsibility? Are you going to ensure that all school commitments are completed? How, when and where will it be done? Do you have an agreement in place with your child’s mother?
Your level of input may depend on the age of your child, because if your child is young, you may have to factor in homework before bedtime.
How will you fit into your day school pick-ups and drop-offs? Are there any after school clubs or sports fixtures to consider? If it is not possible to change your own working day to accommodate your child? To ask for help, who do you go to?
If you are dropping your child off at school, have you thought about uniforms, gym kit, packed lunches and schoolbooks? Do you know your child’s timetable?
Parents Evening and other school meetings – have you an agreement in place with your ex-wife? Will you both attend? Can you both be in a room together and be civil? How will you co-parent your child’s educational needs?e
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